Sri Krishnadevaraya came under the Kuhu Yoga, a combination of planets as per the astrology, which can kill the king. The Rajaguru had then taken over the reign of the Vijayanagara. On a particular day a serpent entered the court and Sri Vyasaraja Tirtha threw his saffron upper garment on it and it got burnt to ashes thereby saving the king from the clutches of death. He returned the reign back to Sri Krishnadevraja, after warding off the evil effect of the planets thus.

Guru Vyasaraja Swamy had saved Sri Krishnadevarya on 30-01-1521 from Kuhu Dosha (adverse impact on king's personnel horoscope). The adverse impact of it would have resulted in a snake biting the emperor at his throne.
But, Vyasaraja Swamy burnt the snake with his extreme power as he sat on the simhasan during a particular kuhudosa period.

Emperor Sri Krishnadevaraya offered his throne to the saint, who ruled for 36 minutes in which he passed orders for construction of many tanks and 732 temples of Lord Hanuman in the country.
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